2013年4月25日 星期四

Flex 3 Dashboard migrate to Flex 4

之前有改參考這個程式改寫一個 AIR的程式,今天有看到把 flex 3的程式碼改寫成 flex 4的,可以參考看看

Migrating Flex 3 applications to Flex 4.5 – Part 1: Importing the Flex 3 Dashboard application into Flash Builder 4.5

Migrating Flex 3 applications to Flex 4.5 – Part 2: Beginning migration of the Dashboard application to Flex 4.5

Migrating Flex 3 applications to Flex 4.5 – Part 3: Introducing Spark components and simple skins

Migrating Flex 3 applications to Flex 4.5 – Part 4: Using Spark Panel, List, DataGrid, and VGroup components and adding custom skins and states

