2016年12月26日 星期一

Use Line Bot to search extensions and MVPN numbers of the enterprise

Last time I shared my first Line Bot 使用 ASP.Net Core Web API 實作 Line Bot webhook callback. It is a funny bot to show what kind of person is by entering a name. if you enter a name "Catton", it would answer "He is a handsome man."

Because of first bot, it gave me a inspiration to develop another Lin Bot that could facilitate to contact  other colleagues easily. Especially for the enterprise that already has implemention of MVPN.

First of all, here is the wiki to introduce what is MVPN, Mobile virtual private network.  You can dial a short number, maybe 5 or 4 digits, to communicate the colleague whose mobile phone is in your enterprise MVPN group.

Inside the enterprise, I can build a web to search someone's extension or MVPN number by entering name, employee number or department name. Here is the screenshot of web-searching.

What about be out of the enterprise or you are not in front of computer. All you have is cell phone and you want to contact someone right now but you don't know his/her extension or MVPN number.

Here are two ideas I thought. One is let my web site to be public but too risky. The other is develop mobile apps, android app and iOS app to fulfill searching function. Xamarin may be the choice for me. But one week ago, I found Line Bot stuff and realized that it could be a better solution for my purpose.

The purpose of this Line Bot is that Enterprise employees can search all extensions and MVPN numbers by my Line Bot.

my webhook callback by asp.net core Web API

 callback status

1. Apply the permission by entering employee number.  Then the system will get the email address by employee number and generate random token which will be sent  to the email box in seconds.

2. Authenication checks by entering generated random token. The user gets random token from email and enters it in this bot. The Bot would check it correct or not. if it was correct, the user could start to search extensions and MVPN number.

3. Searching. The user can search extensions and MVPN numbers by name, employee number or department name. The Bot will return a list with department name and user name and number.

4. Finally, if you were using Line on cell phone, you could touch the number and make phone call.

PS. You can enter "test" then return test data.

