2012年8月29日 星期三

AP Invoice 相對應的 PO沒有作驗收但Hold卻沒有 Quality Hold

1.檢查對對應的 PO line shipment Item 的資料,Match approval Level是否為3-way,如果是代表不檢驗即可入庫,所以沒有 Quality Hold是正常的,如果不是 (4-way)可能就是系統的問題了。

原廠文件 FAQ - ORACLE PURCHASING [ID 1264331.1]

       2-way matching verifies that Purchase order and invoice information match within your tolerances as follows: 
       Quantity billed <= Quantity Ordered Invoice price <= Purchase order price (<= sign is used because of

3-way matching verifies that the receipt and invoice information match with the quantity tolerances defined: 
       Quantity billed <= Quantity received 

4-way matching verifies that acceptance documents and invoice information match within the quantity tolerances
       Quantity billed <= Quantity accepted.

